Free Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Guidebook PDF | Manualsnet (2024)

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Free Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Guidebook PDF | Manualsnet (2)

Texas Instruments ManualTexas Instruments Calculator ManualTexas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE ManualTexas Instruments Calculator Guidebook




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Summary of Content for Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Calculator Guidebook PDF

Page 1

Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus CE

Graphing Calculator

Learn more about TI Technology through the online help at

Page 2


Important Information Except as otherwise expressly stated in the License that accompanies a program, Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the amount set forth in the license for the program. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.

EasyData is a trademark of Vernier Software and Technology.

Note: Actual screens may vary slightly from provided images.

2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated

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What's New 1 What's New in TI-84 Plus CE 1

Using Your TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator 2 Key Features 2

Using the Keyboard 3 Turning the TI-84 Plus CE On and Off 3 Using the TI-84Plus CE Keyboard 4 Setting the Display Brightness 6 Using the Home Screen 7 Working with Menus 14


Evaluating Expressions 28 Order of Operations 28 Entering Expressions and Instructions 30

Working with Graphs 34 Using Color on the TI-84 Plus CE 34 Using QuickPlot and Fit Equation 36 Working With Images 36


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Using Piecewise Function Graphing 37 Working with Tables 39

Working with Matrices 40 Using the Matrix Editor 40 Performing a Calculation with a Matrix 40

Working with Probability and Statistics 42 Working with Probability 42 Working with Statistics 43

Working with Variables 47 Using Variable Names 47 Storing Variable Values 49 Recalling Variable Values 50

Solving Equations 51 Numeric Solver 51

Managing Calculator Files 53 Update Latest Release CE Bundle Using TI Connect CE 53 Transferring Calculator Files Between Connected Calculators 53 Compatibility with Graphing Calculators 54

Programming 56

Using Press-to-Test 57 Setting Up Test Mode 57 Bringing a Calculator Out of Test Mode 59

Using Applications (Apps) 60 Cabri Jr. App 60 CellSheet App 60 Conic Graphing App 60 Inequality Graphing App 61 Periodic Table App 61 Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Editor App 61 Probability Simulation App 61 Science Tools App 62 SmartPad CE App 62 TI-Innovator Hub App 63 Transformation Graphing App 63

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Vernier EasyData App 63

Using Accessories 64 Using TI Desktop Software 64 Using the TI Charging Station CE 64 Using, Replacing, and Charging Batteries 67

Diagnosing and Correcting Error Conditions 70 Diagnosing an Error 70 Correcting an Error 70

General Information 71 Online Help 71 Contact TI Support 71 Service and Warranty Information 71 Precautions for Rechargeable Batteries 71 Korean Class A warning statement 71


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1 What's New

What's New What's New in TI-84 Plus CE TI-84 Plus CE

CE Calculator File Updates

CE OS v5.7.0

TI-Innovator Hub App

CellSheet App

Language Localization Apps

MathPrint Implicit Multiplication with use of Negation [( - )]

To further support implicit multiplication, the multiplication sign will display in an expression to avoid confusion.

- Enter 3 [(- ) ] 2

- Display will show 3*-2 with the result of -6.

TI-Innovator Hub App

HUB menu in TI-Basic program editor contains support strings for the latest TI- Innovator Hub sketch v 1.5 support.

- Data Collection - collect multiple data samples in a single command - Compound Statements to synchronize multiple outputs - TI-RGB Array - control multiple LEDs - Sound - use single command to play repeated beeps - Ranger - return "time of flight"

For more information about the new and updated functionality, go to

Page 7

Using Your TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator The TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator comes with a USB cable, plenty of storage and operating memory. It also comes pre-loaded with software applications (Apps) to perform pre-algebra, algebra, calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics calculations.

Key Features High resolution, full-color backlit display

- Distinguish between multiple graphs and plots with color-coded equations, plots, and objects

- Make graphs easier to read by adding grid lines

TI Rechargeable Battery

- Recharges using a USB cable, wall charger, or TI Charging Station CE

Familiar TI-84 Plus functionality

- Similar menu structure and navigation as the TI-84 Plus family with enhanced features

- Built-in MathPrint functionality to input and view math symbols, formulas and stacked fractions

Import and use images

- Use TI Connect CE Software to send images (.gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .bmp) from a computer to a calculator

- Graph on top of images to connect concepts to the real world

The applications extend the functionality of your calculator, allowing you to perform specific math and science functions and to deepen your understanding of concepts. Pre-loaded applications include:

Cabri Jr Probability Simulations CellSheet Science Tools Conic Graphing SmartPad for TI-SmartView CE Inequality Graphing TI-Innovator Hub Periodic Table Transformation Graphing Polynomial Root Finder and

Simultaneous Equation Solver Vernier EasyData

Note: When Apps are not on your CE, please update to the latest at

Use this guide to learn more about these features and other essential tools of your TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator.

Using Your TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator 2

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3 Using the Keyboard

Using the Keyboard This section covers basic graphing calculator settings and explains how to navigate the home screen and menus.

Turning the TI-84 Plus CE On and Off This section covers basic on and off features for your graphing calculator.

Turning the Graphing Calculator On


An information screen displays:

Press to continue to the home screen but not see this information screen the next time you press.


Press to continue to the home screen.

Note: Any entry from this information screen will take you to the home screen (a blank screen).

The information screen shows the following for information purposes only. You must go to the home screen before you can complete the following.

Press^ -a to locate shortcut menus.

Press on most menu items for Catalog Help.

Note: This message also displays when you reset RAM. You may see a context-sensitive shortcut menu located atb for interactive features or actions such as interactive drawing features from the graph screen or TI-Basic program editing.

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Turning the Graphing Calculator Off


The Constant Memory function retains settings and memory, and clears any error condition.

If you turn off the TI-84 Plus CE and connect it to another graphing calculator or personal computer, any communication will wake" it up.

Automatic Power Down (APD)

To prolong battery-life, APD automatically turns the TI-84 Plus CE off after about three to four minutes of inactivity.

If APD turns the graphing calculator off, it will return as you left it, including the display, cursor, and any error.

Using the TI-84Plus CE Keyboard This section describes the functions of specific keys on the graphing calculator keyboard.

TI-84 Plus CE Keyboard

Graph/Plot Setup Keys allow access to interactive graphing features. When some graph screen features are active, you may see a shortcut menu in theb location for feature options.

Editing Keys allow you to edit expressions and values. Paste a MathPrint fraction template to your expression.

Math and Statistics Keys display menus that access math, statistics, and other basic functions.

Scientific Keys allow access to the capabilities of a standard scientific calculatorincluding trigonometric functions.

Number Keys allow you to enter numbers.

Common Math Functions allow you to divide, multiply, subtract, and add.

Using the Keyboard 4

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5 Using the Keyboard

Function Keys

y Access the second function printed to the left above each key.

Access the third function printed to the right above each key.

^ -a

Access shortcut menus for fraction templates, n/d, quick matrix entry, select MATH menus, and VARS menu functions.

b Context-sensitive shortcut menu for interactive features or actions such as interactive drawing features from the graph screen or TI- Basic program editing.

Using the Function Keys

Primary Function

The function appears on the key. Ex: to display the MATH menu, press.

Secondary Function

The function appears above the key in the same color as they key. When you press they key, the key name printed above the other key becomes active for the next keystroke. Ex: to display the TEST menu, pressy and then:. The flashing cursor becomes when you pressy. may also appear in the status bar.

Tertiary (Alpha Key) Function

The function appears above the key in the same color as the key. The third function allows you to enter alphabetic characters and special symbols, and to access SOLVE and shortcut menus. Ex: to display the letter A, press and then [A]. To enter several alphabetic characters in a row, pressy7. This

locks the alpha key in the ON position so that you avoid having to repeatedly press. Press again to unlock it.

The flashing cursor becomes when you press. may also appear in the status bar.

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Setting the Display Brightness This section covers how to set the display brightness and explains automatic dimming.

Adjusting the Display Brightness

You can adjust the display brightness to suit your viewing angle and lighting conditions.

To adjust the brightness, follow these steps.

Pressy to darken the screen one level at a time.

Pressy} to lighten the screen one level at a time.

The TI-84 Plus CE retains the brightness setting in memory when it is turned off.

Automatic Dimming

The TI-84 Plus CE automatically dims the screen brightness after 90 seconds of inactivity.

Press to return the screen to the preset brightness.

Pressing to adjust the brightness will not affect any of the current state of your calculator work.

Using the Keyboard 6

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7 Using the Keyboard

Using the Home Screen Expressions Answers

Use the home screen to enter instructions and evaluate expressions. Answers appear on the same screen. Most calculations are stored in home screen history. Press} and to scroll through the entry history and paste the entries or answers to the current entry line.

1. Enter a calculation. 2. Pressy5 from any screen until you get back

to the home screen. 3. PressyC 3 4~ 6 [enter].

Note: When you are in a MathPrint template, the cursor turns into a right arrow to indicate that you must press~ to get out of the template before you continue entering the calculation.

Displaying Entries and Answers

Mode settings control how the calculator interprets expressions and displays answers. Pressz to switch between classic entries and MathPrint mode. This guide focuses on MathPrint Mode, but may reference some classic entries.

MathPrint Mode

If an expression exceeds one line, it may scroll off the screen (on the home screen or the Y=screen). Press~ to see the entire expression.

Tip: Press the cursor without pressingy to move the cursor along the line.

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An arrow appears to the left of an answer if it scrolls off the screen. Press~ and | before you enter another expression to display the entire answer.

Classic Entries MathPrint


Some input areas in MathPrint mode only support classic entries. Ex:y-

MathPrint (default)

Entry Answer (Scrolls)

Entry Answer

Using the Keyboard 8

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9 Using the Keyboard

Scrolling Through the Home Screen History

If all lines of the display are full, text scrolls off the top of the display.

You can scroll up through previous entries and answers on the home screen, even if you have cleared the screen. When you find an entry or answer that you want to use, you can select it and paste it (press [enter]) on the current entry line.

Note: List and matrix answers cannot be copied and pasted to the new entry line. However, you can copy the list or matrix command to the new entry line and execute the command again to display the answer.

Press} or to move the cursor to the entry or answer you want to copy and then press [enter].

The TI-84 Plus CE highlights the entry the cursor is on to help you select your desired choice.

The entry or answer that you copied is automatically pasted on the current input line at the cursor location.

Note: If the cursor is in a MathPrint expression, such as the denominator of a fraction, press} to move the cursor out of the expression and then move the cursor to the entry or answer you want to copy to that location in the MathPrint template.

Press or{ to delete an entry/answer pair. After an entry/answer pair has been deleted, it cannot be displayed or recalled again.

Returning to the Home Screen

To return to the home screen from any other screen, pressy5 until you get back to home screen.

Status Bar

The status bar displays on all screens and gives information about the selected calculator mode settings, any context help available for the item you currently have selected, and battery status.

The status bar may also show a busy indicator if the calculator is performing an operation, to indicate the calculator is in alpha status, and to indicate the secondary function is active.

Selected mode settings are displayed on the top line of the status bar when the cursor is in the active entry area. Mode settings do not display when the cursor is in the home screen history, since the mode may have been different for previous calculations.

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Context help, if available, is displayed on the second line. The battery status icon, busy indicator, alpha indicator, and second key indicator are on the right. When you scroll into the home screen history, the context help on the status bar displays HISTORY. In the example below, the cursor is on the GridColor option. The context help for how to change the GridColor using the spinner menu is displayed on the second line of the status bar.

Selected MODE settings.

Context help for current cursor position or active feature.

Battery icon. This area of the status bar also displays the busy indicator, alpha indicator, and second key indicator, depending on the state of the graphing calculator.

Using the Keyboard 10

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11 Using the Keyboard

Using Shortcut Menus


Opens FRAC menu.


Opens FUNC menu.


Opens MTRX menu.


Opens YVAR menu.


Opens special menus.

Shortcut menus allow quick access to the following:

^ Templates to enter fractions, and to toggle between whole and mixed fractions, and fractions and decimals.

_ Selected functions from the MATHMATH and MATH NUMmenus as you would see them in a textbook, when in MathPrint mode. Functions include absolute value, numeric differentiation, numeric integration, summation, log base n, square root, permutations, combinations, and factorials.

` Quick MathPrint matrix entry, when available. a Names of function variables from the VARS Y-VARS menu.

To open a shortcut menu, press plus the corresponding f-key:^ for FRAC,_ for FUNC,` for MTRX,a for YVAR, orb for special menus within interactive graph activities, such as when using DRAW or Quick Plot and Fit Equation, and for TI-Basic program editing.

To select a menu item: -either-

Press the number corresponding to the item.


Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the appropriate line and then press [enter].

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You can select all shortcut menu items except matrix templates using standard menus. For example, you can choose the summation template from several places:

FUNC shortcut menu _


The shortcut menus are available to use where input is allowed. If the calculator is in Classic mode, or if a screen is displayed that does not support MathPrint display, entries will be displayed in Classic mode. The MTRX menu is only available in MathPrint mode on the home screen and in the Y=editor.

Note: Shortcut menus may not be available if plus f-key combinations are used while an application is running.

Display Cursors

The cursor may change to indicate what will happen when you press the next key or when you select the next menu item to be pasted as a character.

Note: The second cursor and alpha cursor may appear on the status bar, depending on the context.

Cursor Appearance Effect of Next Keystroke

Entry Solid rectangle $

This is the default cursor. Enter characters at this cursor; this overrides any existing character.

Insert Underline __

Pressy6 for this cursor. Enter characters in front of the cursor location.

Second Reverse arrow

This allows you to enter a 2nd character or complete a 2nd operation.

Alpha Reverse A

An alpha character is entered, SOLVE is executed, or shortcut menus are displayed.

Using the Keyboard 12

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13 Using the Keyboard

Cursor Appearance Effect of Next Keystroke

Full Checkerboard rectangle

No entry; the maximum characters are entered at a prompt or memory is full. Also indicates the limit of the allowed MathPrint mode levels.

MathPrint Right arrow The cursor moves to either the next part of the template or out of the template. Press the right arrow to move out of all MathPrint templates before entering the remaining terms in an expression.

If you press during an insertion, the cursor becomes an underlined A (A). If you pressy during an insertion, the underlined cursors becomes an underlined # (#).

Note: If you highlight a small character such as a colon or a comma and then press ory, the cursor does not change because the cursor width is too narrow.

Page 19

Working with Menus You can access TI-84 Plus CE commands using menus.

Displaying a Menu

When you press a key to display a menu, that menu temporarily replaces the screen where you are working.

Ex: press to display the MATH menu.

After you select an item from a menu, the screen where you are working usually displays again.

Note: If a context help message is in the status bar when you press a menu that temporarily replaces the screen, that context help will remain in the status bar as a reminder that you are working within a context.

Moving from One Menu to Another

Some keys access more than one menu. When you press such a key, the names of all accessible menus are displayed on the top line. When you highlight a menu name, the items in that menu are displayed. Press~ and | to highlight each menu name. Note: FRAC shortcut menu items are found in the FRAC menu, and are also found on the MATH NUMmenu. FUNC shortcut menu items are also found on the MATHMATH menu.

Scrolling a Menu

To scroll down the menu items, press. To scroll up the menu items, press}.

To page down 9 menu items at a time, press. To page up 9 menu items at a time, press}.

To go to the last menu item directly from the first menu item, press}. To go to the first menu item directly from the last menu item, press.

Selecting an Item from a Menu

You can select an item from a menu in three ways.

Press the number or letter of the item you want to select. The cursor can be anywhere on the menu, and the item you select does not need to be displayed on the screen.

-or- Press or} to move the cursor to the item you want, and then press [enter].

Using the Keyboard 14

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15 Using the Keyboard

-or- Within the Catalog listing of functionality, move the

cursor to the item you want, and then press. For most commands, the Catalog Help syntax editor displays the correct syntax. Enter the syntax using the displayed help, and then pressa to paste. The Catalog Help pastes the complete command.

Pressb to escape without pasting the command.


After you select an item from a menu, the calculator typically displays the previous screen.

If you do not see PASTE on the Catalog Help screen, pressy5 until you return to the home screen, then repeat your actions. If this happens, it may mean the screens were layered and the previous screen did not have an active cursor on an input line to accept the pasting of the function or command.

Leaving a Menu without Making a Selection

You can leave a menu without making a selection in these two ways.

Pressy5 to return to the home screen.


Press to return to the previous screen.

Using Menus

When you press a key or key combination to display a menu, one or more menu names appear on the top line of the screen.

The menu name on the left side of the top line is highlighted. Up to nine items in that menu are displayed, beginning with item 1.

A number or letter identifies each items place in the menu. The order is 1 through 9, then 0, then A, B, C. Once number and letter options are exhausted, the item number or letter area will be blank. Select these items using the arrow keys.

When the menu continues beyond the displayed items, a down arrow ($) replaces the colon next to the last displayed item.

When a menu item ends in an ellipsis (...), the item displays a secondary menu, editor, or wizard when you select it.

Use Catalog Help for more syntax help when needed. Select a menu item and then press to go to a syntax help editor (if the menu item is supported).

Working with MATH Menus

To display the MATH menus, press. Press| or~ to display the menus for the NUM (Number), CMPLX (Complex), PROB (Probability) or FRAC (Fraction) commands.

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Note: Use Catalog Help for more syntax help when needed. Select a menu item and then press to go to a syntax help editor (if the menu item is supported).


To display the MATH menu, press.

1: e4Frac Displays the answer as a fraction.

2: e4Dec Displays the answer as a decimal.

3: 3 Calculates the cube.

4: 3( Calculates the cube root.

* 5: x Calculates the xth root.

6: fMin( Finds the minimum of a function.

7: fMax( Finds the maximum of a function.

* 8: nDeriv( Computes the numerical derivative of a function at a point.

* 9: fnInt Computes the numerical integral of a function over an interval.

* 0: summation G( Computes the sum of an expression over an index.

* A: logBASE( Computes the logarithm of a specified value determined from a specified base: logBASE(value, base).

B: piecewise( Allows the entry of piecewise functions.

C: Numeric Solver...

Displays the equation solver.

* FUNC shortcut menu_


To display the NUM menu, press~.

* 1: abs( Absolute value

2: round( Round

3: iPart( Integer part

4: fPart( Fractional part

5: int( Greatest integer

Using the Keyboard 16

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17 Using the Keyboard

6: min( Minimum value

7: max( Maximum value

8: lcm( Least common multiple

9: gcd( Greatest common divisor

0: remainder( Reports the remainder as a whole number from a division of two whole numbers where the divisor is not zero.

** A: e4 n/d e3 4 Un/d Converts an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to an improper fraction.

** B: e4 F e3 4 D Converts a decimal to a fraction or a fraction to a decimal.

** C: Un/d Displays the mixed number template in MathPrint mode. Displays a small u between the whole number and fraction in Classic mode. Use n/d to complete the mixed number.

** D: n/d Displays the fraction template in MathPrint mode. Displays a thick fraction bar between the numerator and the denominator in Classic mode. Also accessible by pressing .

* FUNC shortcut menu_

** FRAC shortcut menu^


To display the CMPLX menu, press~~.

1: conj( Returns the complex conjugate.

2: real( Returns the real part.

3: imag( Returns the imaginary part.

4: angle( Returns the polar angle.

5: abs( Returns the magnitude (modulus).

6: e4Rect Displays the result in rectangular form.

7: e4Polar Displays the result in polar form.

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To display the PROB menu, press||.

1: rand Random-number generator

* 2: nPr Number of permutations

* 3: nCr Number of combinations

* 4: ! Factorial

5: randInt( Random-integer generator

6: randNorm( Random # from Normal distribution

7: randBin( Random # from Binomial distribution

8: randIntNoRep( Random ordered list of integers in a range

* FUNC shortcut menu_


To display the FRAC menu, press|.

** 1: n/d Displays the fraction template in MathPrint mode. Displays a thick fraction bar between the numerator and the denominator in Classic mode. Also accessible by pressing .

** 2: Un/d Displays the mixed number template in MathPrint mode. Displays a small u between the whole number and fraction in Classic mode. Use n/d to complete the mixed number.

** 3: e4 F e3 4 D Converts a decimal to a fraction or a fraction to a decimal.

** 4: e4 n/d e3 4 Un/d Converts an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to an improper fraction.

** FRAC shortcut menu^

Using the Keyboard 18

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19 Setting Up the CalculatorModes

Setting Up the Calculator Modes Mode settings control how the calculator displays and interprets:


Elements of lists and matrices


Language settings


Setting Modes To set calculator modes, pressz. The following menu appears on your screen:

Note: When you pressz, the cursor is on NORMAL by default. Press} to switch between MathPrint and Classic modes.

Note: The Constant Memory feature retains mode settings when the unit is turned off.

Changing Mode Settings To change mode settings, follow these steps:

1. Press or} to move the cursor to the line of the setting that you want to change.

2. Press~ or| to move the cursor across the line to the desired setting.

3. Press [enter] to select a setting.

Exception: LANGUAGE Press~ or| to select a loaded language. Press or} to set the selected language.

Note: The second line of the status bar displays context help with a description of line modes.

Mode Description MATHPRINT CLASSIC Controls whether inputs and outputs

on the home screen and in the Y= editor are displayed as they are in textbooks

NORMAL SCI ENG Numeric notation

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Mode Description FLOAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of decimal places in answers

RADIAN DEGREE Unit of angle measure


THICK DOT-THICK THIN DOT-THIN Resets all Y= line styles

SEQUENTIAL SIMUL Whether to plot sequentially or simultaneously

REAL a+bi re^(qi) Real, rectangular complex, or polar complex

FULL HORIZONTAL GRAPH-TABLE Full screen, two split-screen modes

FRACTION TYPE: n/d Un/d Displays results as simple fractions or mixed fractions

ANSWERS: AUTO DEC Controls the format of the answers

STAT DIAGNOSTICS: OFF ON Determines which information is displayed in a statistical regression calculation

STAT WIZARDS: ON OFF Determines if syntax help prompts are provided for optional and required arguments for many statistical, regression and distribution commands and functions

SET CLOCK Sets the time and date

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH Sets the display language

MATHPRINT CLASSIC MATHPRINTmode displays most inputs and outputs the way they are shown in

textbooks, such as and .

CLASSIC mode displays expressions and answers as if written on one line, such as 1/2 + 3/4. (Fraction bars appear as thick lines. A division operation will appear as a thin slash mark.)


Some areas in MATHPRINTmode display in classic (one line) formats.

If you switch between these modes, most entries (except matrix calculations) will be preserved.

Setting Up the CalculatorModes 20

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21 Setting Up the CalculatorModes

NORMAL SCI ENG Answers are displayed in standard formats when the calculation or setting forces a decimal result on the calculator.

Notation for 12345.67 Decimal answer displays as:

NORMAL 12345.67 Retains the decimal notation up to limits of the calculator display and memory.


SCI (Scientific) 1.234567 x 104

One digit to the left of the decimal with the appropriate power of 10 to the right of *.


ENG (Engineering) 12.34567 x 103

Up to three digits before the decimal and the power of 10 (to the right of ) is a multiple of three.


Note: * This in the display stands for "x10" and the number entered after becomes the power of 10. The keypad containsyD, which displays as on the calculator. The calculator notation, , designates the "x10" part of the number without using extra parentheses. The calculator then follows the order of operations as expected when using SCI or ENG notation. This notation, , is not typically accepted on homework and exams, and written results should use the standard notation, for example, the 1.234567 x 104. If you select NORMAL notation, but the answer cannot display in 10 digits (or the absolute value is less than .001), the TI-84 Plus CE expresses the answer in scientific notation.

FLOAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FLOAT (floating) decimal mode displays up to 10 digits, plus the sign and decimal. FLOAT will display in the status bar.

Selecting 0123456789 specifies the number of digits (0 through 9) to display to the right of the decimal for decimal answers. FIX# will display in the status bar.

The decimal setting applies to NORMAL, SCI, and ENG notation modes.

The decimal setting applies to these numbers, with respect to the ANSWER mode setting:

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An answer displayed on the home screen

Coordinates on a graph

The Tangent( DRAW instruction equation of the line, x, and dy/dx values

Results of calculated operations

The regression equation stored after the execution of a regression model

RADIAN DEGREE Angle modes control how the calculator interprets angle values in trigonometric functions and polar/rectangular conversions. The RADIAN or DEGREE setting will display in the status bar.

RADIAN mode interprets angle values as radians. Answers display in radians.

DEGREE mode interprets angle values as degrees. Answers display in degrees. Polar complex number arguments are always interpreted in radians.

FUNCTION PARAMETRIC POLAR SEQ Graphing modes define the graphing parameters.

FUNCTION graphing mode plots functions, where Y is a function of X.

PARAMETRIC graphing mode plots relations, where X and Y are functions of T.

POLAR graphing mode plots functions, where r is a function of q.

SEQUENCE graphing mode plots sequences. Three sequences are available: u, v, and w, with an option of the independent variables of n, n+1, and n+2.


Line Style: Graphs as:

THICK Thick line style (default). More pixels displayed around a plotted point (pixel). Equivalent to CONNECTED on earlier TI-84 Plus calculators.

DOT-THICK Large dot plotting. (3x3 pixels). Equivalent to DOT on earlier TI-84 Plus calculators.

Setting Up the CalculatorModes 22

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23 Setting Up the CalculatorModes

THIN Thin line style (graphing per pixel). Use THIN for functions whose graph has an axis as an asymptote or for any plotting where a more detailed view of the graph is needed as compared to THICK.

DOT-THIN DOT display is 1 pixel per dot graphed. Use DOT-THIN for functions whose graph has an axis as an asymptote or for any plotting where a more detailed view of the graph is needed as compared to DOT-THICK.


You can change individual line styles in the Y= editor.

Setting a line style plotting mode sets all Y= line styles to the selected style.

SEQUENTIAL SIMUL SEQUENTIAL graphing-order mode evaluates and plots one function completely before the next function is evaluated and plotted.

SIMUL (simultaneous) graphing-order mode evaluates and plots all selected functions for a single value of X and then evaluates and plots them for the next value of X.

Note: Regardless of which graphing mode is selected, the calculator will sequentially graph all stat plots before it graphs any functions.

REAL a+bi re^(theta i) REAL mode does not display complex results unless complex numbers are entered as input.

Two complex modes display complex results.

a+bi (rectangular complex mode) displays complex numbers in the form a+bi. The TI-84 Plus CE supports the n/d fraction template.

re^(qi) (polar complex mode) displays complex numbers in the form re^(qi).

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FULL HORIZONTAL GRAPH-TABLE FULL screen mode uses the entire screen to display a graph. Each split-screen mode displays two screens simultaneously.

HORIZONTAL mode displays the current graph on the top half of the screen and most other calculator features on the bottom half.

GRAPH-TABLE mode displays the current graph on the left half of the screen and plotted lists on the right half.

Horizontal Graph-Table

FRACTION TYPE: n/d Un/d n/d displays results as a simple fraction. Fractions may contain a maximum of six digits in the numerator; the value of the denominator may not exceed 9999.

Un/d displays results as a mixed number, if applicable. U, n, and d must be all be integers. If U is a non-integer, the result may be converted U n/d. If n or d is a non- integer, a syntax error is displayed. The whole number, numerator, and denominator may each contain a maximum of three digits.

ANSWERS: AUTO DEC AUTO displays answers in a similar format as the input. For example, if a fraction is entered in an expression, the answer will be in fraction form, if possible. If a decimal appears in the expression, the output will be a decimal number.

DEC displays answers as integers or decimal numbers.

Note: The ANSWERS mode setting also affects how values in sequences, lists, and tables are displayed. You can also convert values from decimal to fraction or fraction to decimal using }FRAC, }DEC, and }F| }D located in the FRAC shortcut menu or the MATH submenu.

STAT DIAGNOSTICS: OFF ON OFF displays a statistical regression calculation without the correlation coefficient (r) or the coefficient of determination (r2).

Setting Up the CalculatorModes 24

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25 Setting Up the CalculatorModes

ON displays a statistical regression calculation with the correlation coefficient (r), and the coefficient of determination (r2), as appropriate.

STAT WIZARDS: ON OFF ON: Selection of menu items in MATH PROB, STAT, CALC, DISTR DISTR, DISTR DRAW and seq( in LIST OPS displays a screen which provides syntax help (wizard) for the entry of required and optional arguments into the command or function. The function or command will paste the entered arguments to the Home Screen history or to most other locations where the cursor is available for input. Some calculations will compute directly from the wizard. If a command or function is accessed fromN the command or function will paste without wizard support.

If no wizard is available, use Catalog Help for more syntax help when needed. To use Catalog Help, select a menu item and then press.

OFF: The function or command will paste to the cursor location with no syntax help (wizard).

SET CLOCK Use the clock to set the time and date, select the clock display format, and turn the clock on and off. The clock is turned on by default and is accessed from the mode screen.

Displaying the Clock Settings

1. Pressz. 2. Press}}} to move the cursor to SET

CLOCK. 3. Press [enter] to change clock settings.

Note: You may have to reset the clock if your battery power runs out. See for future updates on the battery and battery preservation features.

Turning the Clock On and Off

1. PressyN.

2. Press or} to scroll the CATALOG until the selection cursor points to ClockOff or ClockOn.

3. Press [enter][enter].

Page 31

LANGUAGE Press~ or| on the LANGUAGE spinner menu to select a loaded language. Press or} to set the selected language.


The calculator will retain your language setting for most resets of the calculator.

The LANGUAGE spinner menu will only display Language Apps loaded on the calculator. Check for all available languages. Use TI Connect CE to load files to your calculator.

Using the Special Character Set

After you select your desired language, a new item (CHARACTER) is added to the TI-84 Plus CE CATALOG. This item accesses special characters and accent marks used in the language that you chose for localization. You can use these special characters and accent marks for display messages and text strings that you want to store to a variable. You cannot, however, use them in variable names.

1. PressyN to display the CATALOG.

Note: CHARACTER is always the first item in the CATALOG.

2. Press [enter] to display the CHARACTER screen.

Accent marks appear in the menus at the bottom of the screen.

3. You can:

Select a special character: a) Press|,~,, or} to move the box to the special character that you want

to use in a message or text string. b) Press [enter] to place the character on the edit line. c) Press|,~,, or} to move the box to Done. d) Press [enter] to paste the contents of the edit line to the previous screen.


Add an accent mark to a character: a) Press the function key (^,_,`,a, orb) immediately above the accent

mark to select it. The ALPHA uppercase mode is automatically turned on. To

Setting Up the CalculatorModes 26

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27 Setting Up the CalculatorModes

change to lowercase, press. b) Press the key associated with the alpha character that you want to accent, for

example, [A] (above). The accented character is displayed in the edit line.

c) Press|,~,, or} to move the box to Done. d) Press [enter] to paste the contents of the edit line to the previous screen.

Page 33

Evaluating Expressions An expression is a group of



functions and their arguments,


a combination of these elements.

An expression evaluates to a single answer.

On the TI-84 Plus CE , you enter an expression in the same order as you would write it on paper. For example: pR2 is an expression.

Order of Operations The TI-84 Plus CE uses an order of operations system called Equation Operating System (EOS), which

defines the order in which functions in expressions are entered and evaluated


allows you to enter numbers and functions in a simple, straightforward sequence.

EOS evaluates the functions in an expression in this order:

Order Function

1 Functions that precede the argument, such as sin( or log(

2 Functions that are entered after the argument, such as 2, -1, !, , r, and conversions

3 Powers and roots, such as 2

5 or

4 Permutations (nPr) and combinations (nCr)

5 Multiplication, implied multiplication, and division

6 Addition and subtraction

7 Relational functions, such as > or

8 Logic operator and

9 Logic operators or and xor

Evaluating Expressions 28

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29 Evaluating Expressions

Note: Within a priority level, EOS evaluates functions from left to right. Calculations within parentheses are evaluated first. A number in scientific or engineering notation, 2.346, is interpreted as (2.3x106) with parentheses so the number remains the correct value during the EOS calculation.

Implied Multiplication

The TI-84 Plus CE recognizes implied multiplication, so you do not need to press to express multiplication in all cases. For example, the TI-84 Plus CE interprets 2p, 4sin(46), 5(1+2), and (25)7 as implied multiplication.

In MathPrint mode, to further support implicit multiplication, the multiplication sign will display in an expression to avoid confusion.

Enter 3 [(- ) ] 2

Display will show 3*-2 with the result of -6.

Note: TI-84 Plus CE implied multiplication rules differ from those of some other graphing calculators. For example:

Expression TI-84 Plus CE evaluates as

Other Calculators may evaluate as

12X (12)X 1(2X)


The TI-84 Plus CE completes all calculations inside a pair of parentheses first. For example, in the expression 4(1+2), EOS first evaluates the expression inside the parentheses, 1+2, and then multiplies the answer, 3, by 4.


To enter a negative number, use the negation key. Pressk and then enter the number. On the TI-84 Plus CE , negation is in the third level in the EOS hierarchy. Functions in the first level, such as squaring, are evaluated before negation.

Example: MX2, evaluates to a negative number (or 0). Use parentheses to square a negative number.

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Note: Use thej key for subtraction and thek key for negation. If you pressj to enter a negative number, as in 9 7, or if you pressk to indicate subtraction, as in 9k 7, an error occurs. If you press Ak B, it is interpreted as implied multiplication A*-B. The input display will redraw as A*-B.

Entering Expressions and Instructions You can use an expression on the home screen to calculate an answer. In most places where a value is required, you can use an expression to enter a value.

Expressions evaluate to the (approximate) decimal display


Entering an Expression

To create an expression, you enter numbers, variables, and functions using the keyboard and menus. An expression is evaluated when you press [enter], regardless of the cursor location. The entire expression is evaluated according to EOS rules, and the answer is displayed according to the mode setting for Answer.

Most TI-84 Plus CE functions and operations are symbols comprising several characters. You must enter the symbol from the keyboard or a menu; do not spell it out. For example:

To calculate the log of 45, you must press 45. Do not enter the letters L, O, and G. If you enter LOG, the TI-84 Plus CE interprets the entry as implied multiplication of the variables L, O, and G.

When working with matrices, do not type the individual keys for [, A, and ]. Use the NAMES menu iny to paste the matrix name [A] to the cursor position.

Calculate 3.76 P (L7.9 + 5) + 2 log 45.

MathPrint Classic

3 76k 7 9yC 5~ 2 45 [enter] Note: The~ is a notable keystroke difference as compared to Classic.

3 76k 7 9yC 5 2 45 [enter]

Evaluating Expressions 30

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31 Evaluating Expressions

Note: In MathPrint mode, press~ to get out of the MathPrint template and continue entering the expression.

Multiple Entries on a Line

To enter two or more expressions or instructions on a line, separate them with colons (m). All instructions are stored together in last entryy[ (above [enter]).

Entering a Number in Scientific Notation

1. Enter the part of the number that precedes the exponent. This value can be an expression.

2. PressyD. is pasted to the cursor location.

3. Enter the exponent, which can be one or two digits.


If the exponent is negative, pressk, and then enter the exponent.

stands for "x10" and the calculator interprets the entire number as (123.45 x 10- 2) as if it was entered with parentheses.

When you enter a number in scientific notation, the TI-84 Plus CE does not automatically display answers in scientific or engineering notation. The mode settings and the size of the number determine the display format.


A function returns a value. For example, log( and sin( are functions. In general, the first letter of each function is lowercase. Most functions take at least one argument, as indicated by an open parenthesis following the name. For example, sin( requires one argument, sin(value).

Note: To see the arguments of a function or command in the calculator, find the item in a menu oryN and press +. For most menu items, a Catalog Help screen will display and the syntax of the arguments will be displayed.

Instructions (Commands)

An instruction (command) initiates an action on the calculator. For example, ClrDraw is an instruction to the calculator to clear drawn elements from a graph. Instructions cannot be used in expressions. In general, the first letter of each instruction name is uppercase. Some instructions take more than one argument, as indicated by an open parenthesis at the end of the name. For example, on the TI-84 Plus CE , Circle( requires three arguments, and has two optional arguments:


Page 37

Interrupting a Calculation

To interrupt a calculation or graph in progress, which is indicated by the busy indicator in the status bar, press.

When you interrupt a calculation, a menu is displayed.

To return to the home screen, select 1:Quit.

To go to the location of the interruption, select 2:Goto.

When you interrupt a graph, a partial graph is displayed.

To return to the home screen, press or any non-graphing key.

To restart graphing, press a graphing key or select a graphing instruction.

TI-84 Plus CE Edit Keys

Keystrokes Result ~ or| Moves the cursor within an expression; these keys repeat if held down

on the keypad.

} or Moves the cursor from line to line within an expression that occupies more than one line; these keys repeat if held down on the keypad.

Moves the cursor from term to term within an expression in MathPrint mode; these keys repeat if held down on the keypad.

On the home screen, scrolls through the history of entries and answers.

y| Moves the cursor to the beginning of an expression.

y~ Moves the cursor to the end of an expression.

} Moves the cursor out of a MathPrint expression and up into history on the home screen.

Moves the cursor from a MathPrint expression to the previous Y-var in the Y=editor.

Moves the cursor from a MathPrint expression to the next Y-var in the Y=editor.

[enter] Evaluates an expression or executes an instruction. Clears the current line on a line with text on the home screen.

Clears everything on the home screen on a blank line on the home screen. This does not clear the history of your entries and answers.

Press} to see the history. Use Clear Entries* followed by if you wish to delete all home

screen entries. *Clear Entries is found inN.

Clears the expression or value where the cursor is located in an editor; it does not store a zero.

{ Deletes a character at the cursor; this key repeats if held down on the

Evaluating Expressions 32

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33 Evaluating Expressions

Keystrokes Result keypad.

y{ Changes the cursor to an underline (__); inserts characters in front of the underline cursor; to end insertion, pressy6 or press|,}, ~, or.

y Changes the cursor or status bar indicator to ; the next keystroke performs a 2nd function (displayed above a key and to the left); to cancel 2nd, pressy again.

Changes the cursor or status bar indicator to ; the next keystroke performs a third function of that key (displayed above a key and to the right) or accesses a shortcut menu. To cancel, press or press|,},~, or.

y 7

Changes the cursor to ; sets alpha-lock; subsequent keystrokes access the third functions of the keys pressed; to cancel alpha-lock, press. If you are prompted to enter a name such as for a group or a program, alpha-lock is set automatically.

Note: The TI-84 Plus CE does not automatically set alpha-lock for entries that require list names.

Pastes an X in Function mode, a T in Parametric mode, a q in Polar mode, or an n in Seq mode with one keystroke.

[n/d] (above )

Pastes the n/d template at the cursor position.

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Working with Graphs This section covers how to change color options on a graph, how to draw points on a graph, and how to insert an image as a background on a graph.

Using Color on the TI-84 Plus CE The TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator has many color options and a high resolution display that allows more information to be shown on the screen. The TI-84 Plus CE uses color in the following ways:

Y= editor for line color.

DRAW commands for line color, such as vertical lines, circles, and text on the graph screen.

The graph format screen for grid, axes, or border color, and applying a background image or color.

Statistical Plots.

Color options for various features are accessed via a spinner menu. With the cursor on a color selection for a feature, use the| or~ to change the color. When the cursor is on any spinner menu, the context help in the status bar frequently displays the hint: PRESS [<] OR [>] TO SELECT AN OPTION.

Note: Take care to choose appropriate color combinations for the graph areas so that all features are visible.

Resetting Color Options to Default

With the cursor on a function in [Y=], press to return to the default color and line style for that function.

You can reset the calculator to its default settings, including color settings, by pressingyL 7 2 2.

Using Color on the Graph Screen

The examples below show how to set up the graph of a function. Here, the mode is set to FUNCTION and the default settings are assumed.

Enter an equation in the Y= editor.

1. Presso.

2. Pressk 6.

To set the line color in the Y= editor:

Working with Graphs 34

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35 Working with Graphs

1. Press| to highlight the color and line style indicator.

2. Press [enter].

The spinner dialog displays. Notice the second line in the status bar, which displays hints.

3. Press~~~ to place the cursor box on the color and line style at the left of the screen and press [enter].

4. Press~~~ to select MAGENTA.

5. Press. Note: The thick line style is the default. It can be changed by pressing| or~.

6. Press to highlight OK and then press [enter].

To set a Background Image:

1. Pressy..

Set GridColor, Axes, and BorderColor as desired.

2. Press} or as necessary to highlight Background.

The spinner menu becomes active. 3. Press| or~ to select the desired Background Image or color.

Note: Your Image Vars may be different than the one displayed. Note: To create Background Image Vars, use the free TI Connect CE software to convert and send images to your TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. 4. Pressr to see the graph and trace points.

Note: You can manipulate the graph to fit an object in the Background Image Var. You can also use QuickPlot and Fit Equation to fit an equation to a shape. (See QuickPlot.)

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Using QuickPlot and Fit Equation QuickPlot and Fit Equation allows you to drop points on a graph screen and model a curve to those points using regression functions. You can select color and line style, draw points on a graph, and choose an equation to fit the drawn points. You can then store the results of the plot and equation.

QuickPlot and Fit Equation is an option in the CALC menu.

Prior to starting the QuickPlot and Fit Equation interactive feature on the graph area, be sure to set your Background Image Var and other graph settings from the FORMAT screen. Also set your WINDOW or ZOOM settings.

Drop points on the screen. Points can be saved to lists.

Calculate the regression equation, draw the curve, and store the function.

Working With Images The TI-84 Plus CE uses both pictures and background images. They are both stored in Flash archive, but they are used in different ways.

Using Pictures and Backgrounds

Image Vars (Image1 - Image9, and Image0) are variables stored in archive memory. An Image Var is used as a Background Image in the graph area. Several images are pre-loaded on the TI-84 Plus CE . You can also convert images to TI-84 Plus CE Image Vars in the TI Connect CE software and load them to the calculator. You cannot create images on the calculator.

Note: TI Connect CE software is available as a free download from

Pic Vars (Pic1 - Pic 9, and Pic0) are also variables stored in archive memory. Pic Vars can be created by drawing in the graphing area, and the changes saved and recalled to the graphing area. Saving a Pic Var will not include the Background Image behind your graphing area.

Both Image Vars and Pic Vars are stored and run in Flash archive, not in RAM. They are both accessible in the VARS menu.

Image Vars and Pic Vars can only be shared with another TI-84 Plus CE or TI-84 C graphing calculator.

TI-84 Plus Pic Vars cannot be shared between the TI-84 Plus and the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators.

If you perform a RAM reset on the TI-84 Plus CE , the Image Vars and Pic Vars remain in Archive memory for use.

Working with Graphs 36

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37 Working with Graphs

Using Piecewise Function Graphing How to enter a piecewise function

1. Press. 2. Press} or to scroll to B:piecewise(. 3. Press [enter]. 4. Press| or~ to select the number of

pieces (1-5) for the function. 5. Press [enter] to select OK.

6. Enter functions in theo editor.

7. Pressq 6:ZStandard to set the standard window and graph.

Conditions Menuy:

The CONDITIONS menu,y:| pastes several characters at once in the condition part of the piecewise template for quicker entry.

Note: The piecewise conditions are entered using the relations found iny: (above). These relations are typically used for True(1)/False(0) testing in programming on the calculator.

Special Information when using intervals in the condition part of the piecewise template:

Textbook format for an interval, such as -2 { X { 5, is allowed only when entered directly in the condition part of the piecewise template in the calculator. Do not use this format in other locations in the calculator for the same interval interpretation.

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Note that if an interval form is selected from the CONDITIONS menu, the interval form will paste in the correct logical format for an interval as, for example, -2 + X and X + 5. This is the correct format for all features in the calculator to give the expected logical test result True(1)/False(0) and will also give the correct X interval in piecewise graphing.


Overlapping intervals: The graph is plotted from left (Xmin) to right (Xmax). For each value of X from left to right, the calculator looks for the first valid expression to calculate the Y value. Overlapping intervals are allowed and will be graphed according to the first valid expression that can be computed for an X value.


Once a piecewise template is selected with a certain number of pieces, you will not be able to add or delete a piece. You may select a larger number of pieces and enter zeros (False) to have placeholder rows. This is helpful when creating drawings using functions on the graph screen.

The piecewise function uses one MathPrint level out of a maximum of four. You may see the checkerboard cursor ( ) when you enter a function in the template, but that function is allowed if entered outside of a piecewise template. To keep the maximum number of MathPrint levels desired, enter the function in another YVar, such as Y3, and then use Y3 in the piecewise template.

You can enter a function from the Home Screen. You can use this method to enter a "tall" function with many pieces. For example, "2X"!Y1:

You can edit or view a function fromo on the home screen if needed and store the function back too. Remember the format, "2X"!Y1.

- Quote:W

- Recall the YVar:yKa (select a YVar) and [enter] - Close quote and store:W

- Select the YVar:a and [enter]

Working with Graphs 38

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39 Working with Graphs

Working with Tables When a function is entered in the Y= editor, you can view a table of values by pressing y0.

Note: The table setup,y-, determines how table values are displayed. Check the table setup values if the table results are not in expected format of fraction. Using a mix of decimal and fractions will not retain fractions.

Page 45

Working with Matrices You can enter matrices using the matrix editor on your graphing calculator. For example, you can perform the following operations on matrices:

Addition Inverses Division Multiplication Elementary Row Operations Subtraction

Using the Matrix Editor 1. Pressy.

2. Press~ to navigate to the EDIT submenu.

3. Select from one of 10 allowed matrix variable names [A] [J].

4. Enter the dimension of the matrix, then enter values in each matrix cell.

Note: Once in the editor, use the arrow keys to navigate between cells.


Matrix [C] as a 3x3 matrix is now in memory.

Performing a Calculation with a Matrix 1. Pressy5 to go to the Home Screen.

2. Pressy use the MATH submenu to select a matrix command.

3. Use the NAMES submenu to paste the matrix name.

Note: A matrix name, such as [C], is a special character and can ONLY be pasted for a calculation from they NAMES menu and not typed from the calculator keypad.


To find the determinant of [C] as entered above:

Use they MATHmenu to paste the

- 1: det(command


Working with Matrices 40

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41 Working with Matrices

- y NAMES 3: [C]

as matrix variables to the Home Screen.

Note: Remember that you cannot type in a matrix name from the calculator keypad. Use they NAMES menu to paste a matrix name.

Page 47

Working with Probability and Statistics This section covers probability and statistics functions and instructions (commands).

Probability features deal with random numbers, which are generated by algorithms on the calculator.

Statistics features allow you to create lists of data, then plot or analyze that data.

Working with Probability You can find probability features in the PROB submenu.

Many probability features have Stat Wizards to help you enter the syntax.


To generate a set of five random integers between 10 and 25 (inclusive):

1. Press, then press~ until you highlight PROB.

2. Press until you highlight 5: randInt(, then [enter].

3. Enter the lower integer, then [enter].

4. Enter the upper integer, then [enter].

5. Enter the number of integers (n), then [enter].

6. Press [enter] to Paste.

7. Press [enter] again to see the random set of integers.

Working with Probability and Statistics 42

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43 Working with Probability and Statistics


With each rand execution, the TI-84 Plus CE generates the same random-number sequence for a given seed value. The TI-84 Plus CE factory-set seed value for rand is 0. To generate a different random-number sequence, store any nonzero seed value to rand. To restore the factory-set seed value, store 0 to rand, or reset the defaults by going toyL 7:Reset... 2:Defaults....

The seed value also affects randInt(, randNorm(, and randBin( instructions.

Working with Statistics You can find statistics commands in the menu. You can create lists of data, then plot or analyze that data using the statistics commands.

You can use the following statistics functions:

Description Keys

Best fit equations (regressions) ~}

Define and store up to three stat plot definitions y,

Distributions y=

List-based statistical analysis y9~~

Logistic and sine regression analysis ~}

One- and two-variable analysis ~ and~

Statistical tests ~~

Inferential Statistics

You can perform 16 hypothesis tests and confidence intervals and 15 distribution functions. You can display hypothesis test results graphically or numerically.

To enter lists of data:

1. Press.

2. Select 1: Edit in the EDIT submenu, then [enter].

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3. Enter your data into list columns.

Note: Once in the list editor, use the arrow keys to enter the data in the lists. L1 L6 are built-in list names. Custom list names can be created by scrolling to a blank list name and pressing [enter].

To plot this data:

4. Pressy,.

5. Press 1: Plot1 (to set up a scatter plot for L1 and L2), then [enter].

6. Press| to highlight On.

7. Pressq to automatically set up a graphing window for your data.

8. Press 9: ZoomStat to see the graph.

9. Pressr and arrow keys to trace on the plot.

Working with Probability and Statistics 44

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45 Working with Probability and Statistics

You can plot your statistics data in these ways:

Scatter plot xyLine Histogram Regular or Modified box-and-whisker plot Normal probability plot

To find the two variable statistics for L1 and L2:

1. Press.

2. Press~ to highlight CALC.

3. Press until you highlight 2:2-Var Stats, then [enter].

4. Press until you highlight Calculate, then [enter].

The screen will display the variable statistics.

Page 51

Note: Most common probability and statistics commands will have a wizard to prompt for syntax (values). The built-in Catalog Help is also available by pressing the key on most menu items. This opens an editor to help you fill in the syntax (values) needed in a calculation.

Working with Probability and Statistics 46

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47 Working with Variables

Working with Variables You can enter and use several types of data, including real and complex numbers, matrices, lists, functions, stat plots, graph databases, graph pictures, and strings.

Using Variable Names Variables and Defined Items

You can enter and use several types of data, including real and complex numbers, matrices, lists, functions, stat plots, graph databases, graph pictures, and strings.

The TI-84 Plus CE uses assigned names for variables and other items saved in memory. For lists, you also can create your own five-character names.

Variable Type Names

Real numbers (including fractions)

A, B, ... , Z, q

Complex numbers A, B, ... , Z, q

Matrices A, B, C, ... , J

To enter a matrix name: Pressy. The Matrix Names menu appears. Press the number on the keypad that corresponds with the desired Matrix Name. Ex: Press 1 for [A] as shown below.

Lists* L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, and user-defined names

Functions Y1, Y2, ... , Y9, Y0

Parametric equations

X1T and Y1T, ... , X6T and Y6T

Polar functions r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6

Sequence functions u, v, w

Page 53

Variable Type Names

Stat plots Plot1, Plot2, Plot3

Graphical databases GDB1, GDB2, ... , GDB9, GDB0 Save current equations from Y= and Window settings to re-use.

Background images Image1, Image2, ... , Image9, Image0

Pictures Pic1, Pic2, ... , Pic9, Pic0

Strings Str1, Str2, ... , Str9, Str0

Apps Applications

AppVars Application variables

Groups Grouped variables Save a group of allowed calculator files for sharing or to re-use when setting up a classroom.

System variables Xmin, Xmax, and others

* Once a list contains a complex number, it is designated as a complex list. To change a list to Real numbers, delete the list and enter the Real values.

Notes about Variables

You can create as many list names as memory will allow.

From the home screen or from a program, you can store to matrices, lists, strings, and system variables such as Xmax, TblStart, and all Y= functions.

From an editor, you can store to matrices, lists, and Y=functions.

From the home screen, a program, or an editor, you can store a value to a matrix element or a list element.

You can use DRAW STO menu items to store and recall Pic Vars.

Although most variables can be archived, system variables including r, T, X, Y, and q cannot be archived.

Note: In TI-Basic programming, it is best practice to avoid using these system variables to avoid unexpected changes in the variable value due to calculations and graphing when executing a program.

Apps are independent applications, which are stored in Flash archive. AppVars is a variable holder used to store variables created by independent applications. You cannot edit or change variables in AppVars unless you do so through the application that created them.

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49 Working with Variables

Storing Variable Values Values are stored to and recalled from memory using variable names. When you evaluate an expression that contains a variable name, the graphing calculator substitutes the value currently stored in that variable.

To store a value to a variable from the home screen or a program using the key, begin on a blank line and follow these steps.

1. Enter the value you want to store. The value can be an expression.

2. Press.

! is copied to the cursor location.

3. Press and then the letter of the variable to which you want to store the value.

4. Press [enter]. The graphing calculator evaluates the expression and stores the value to the variable.

Displaying a Variable Value

To display the value of a variable, enter the variable name on a blank line on the home screen, and then press [enter].

Archiving Variables (Archive, Unarchive)

You can store variables in the TI-84 Plus CE user data archive, a protected area of memory separate from RAM. The user data archive lets you:

Store data, programs, applications or any other variables to a safe location where they cannot be edited or deleted inadvertently.

Create additional free RAM by archiving variables.

By archiving variables that you do not need to edit frequently, you can free up RAM for applications that may require additional memory.

The graphing calculator places an asterisk () to the left of archived variables in most menus as well as inyL 2:Mem Management. You cannot edit or execute archived variables in CE OS Version 5.2 or earlier. In CE OS Version 5.3 and later, you can execute programs if they are stored in an archive. If needed, you can use the Archive/UnArchive commands to manage the memory location.


Page 55

If you archive a list named L1, you will see that it exists in memory. However, if you select and paste the name L1 to the home screen, it will not appear on the home screen. You must unarchive it in order to see its contents and edit it.

Note: Image Vars are run and stored in archive, but when an Image Vars displays in VARS 4:Picture & Background, the BACKGROUND menu does not display the asterisk .

Recalling Variable Values To recall and copy variable contents to the current cursor location, follow these steps. To leave Rcl, press.

1. PressyK. Rcl and the edit cursor are displayed on the bottom line of the screen.

2. Enter the name of the variable in one of the following ways:

Press and then the letter of the variable. Pressy9, and then select the name of the list, or pressyd ore,

and so forth. Pressy, and then select the name of the matrix. Press to display the VARS menu or~ to display the VARS Y-VARS

menu; then select the type and then the name of the variable or function. Pressa to display the YVAR shortcut menu, then select the name of the


The variable name you selected is displayed on the bottom line and the cursor disappears.

3. Press [enter]. The variable contents are inserted where the cursor was located before you began these steps.


You can edit the characters pasted to the expression without affecting the value in memory.

You can use Rcl in the Y= editor to paste a current function to a new YVar to avoid retyping long expressions.

Working with Variables 50

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51 Solving Equations

Solving Equations Press} to access C:Numeric Solver....

Numeric Solver 1. Enter an equation as expression 1=expression 2 (E1=E2).

You may enter more than one variable, but you will have to select one variable to solve. The other variables used will take on the value stored in the calculator.

2. Press OK.

3. Place the cursor on the variable to solve. For this example, the variable is X.

The current value of X stored in the calculator is displayed (X=0).

You should enter a value close to your estimate of the solution. If needed, you can look at the intersection of the graph of both sides of your equation or use the table of values to know more about your problem. Here, X=0 is a reasonable starting point for the calculator computation.


{-1E99, 1E99} represents [-1Ex1099,1x1099] as the calculators "Real Number Line". You can edit this interval if you do not get all the solutions to your equation by limiting the values to a smaller interval. Use the graph of both side of your equation to identify a smaller interval around the solution seen on your graph.

4. Press the [SOLVE] (s) shortcut key. Here, there is only one solution, X=-2.

5. Check your solution. The calculator checks the solution it generated. The difference between the two sides of your equation evaluated at the calculated solution displays as E1-E2.

Page 57

Interpreting the Numeric Solver Screen

Always read the context help line for tips. The solution will be marked with a small square. E1-E2=0 (expression 1 = expression 2) is finding the

difference of the left hand side of your equation, E1 with X=-2 and the right hand side of your equation, E2 with X=-2. The difference is zero. The equation balances. X=-2 is the solution. (Advanced: When E1=E2 is not zero, but is a small value, the calculator algorithm likely gave a result close to the exact answer but within some tolerance of the calculator arithmetic.)

Solving Equations 52

Page 58

53 Managing Calculator Files

Managing Calculator Files This section explains how to transfer calculator files from calculator to calculator and describes compatibility between graphing calculators.

Update Latest Release CE Bundle Using TI Connect CE Best Practice: To ensure you have the latest Operating System and all calculator files in the latest release, please update CE calculators using the CE Bundle and TI Connect CE software. Please see and follow the instructions.

Note: You cannot transfer the OS or files using the TI Charging Station CE (see the Using Accessories section). The TI Charging Station CE only charges the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators.

Transferring Calculator Files Between Connected Calculators You can transfer calculator files such as lists or programs from one calculator to another using a USB unit-to-unit cable. Connect the two calculators by firmly inserting the USB cable ends into the calculators. The USB port is located on the front-right side of the calculator. Do not disconnect the USB unit-to-unit cable during a file transfer. Wait until Done displays on both sending and receiving calculators.

Receiving calculator: y8~ [enter]

When you press [enter], the graphing calculator displays the message Waiting...

Sending calculator: y8 [enter]

Select file(s) to send and press [enter] on each file.

Page 59

Select TRANSMIT and press [enter] to begin to transfer the file(s). Watch both the sending and receiving screens for prompts. Do not disconnect the USB unit-to-unit cable during a file transfer. Wait until Done displays on both sending and receiving calculators.

Note: The RESEND menu iny8 retains the last set of files sent from the sending calculator.

Compatibility with Graphing Calculators Note: Not all TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator files are compatible with other TI-84 Plus Family graphing calculator files because of the higher resolution of the color screen. In general, numeric files (not limited to lists, variables, matrices, and functions) are shared between these graphing calculators but Apps are not shared between these graphing calculators even if they have the same title. When not compatible, the computer file extensions for the TI-84 Plus CE are different from a similar variable from the TI-84 Plus/TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculators.

File Type Link from TI-84 to TI-84 Plus CE

Link from TI-84 Plus CE to TI-84

84P computer file type

TI-84 Plus CE computer file type

Operating System

No No 8xu 8eu

Apps No No 8xk 8ek

AppVar1 Yes Yes 8xv 8xv

Programs - TI Basic1, 2

Yes Yes 8xp 8xp

Pictures No No 8xi 8ci

Background Images

N/A No N/A 8ca

Group Files Yes Yes 8xg 8xg

User Zoom Yes Yes 8xz 8xz

String Yes Yes 8xs 8xs

Table Yes Yes 8xt 8xt

Function file Yes Yes 8xy 8xy

GDB3 Yes Yes 8xd 8xd

List Yes Yes 8xl 8xl

Managing Calculator Files 54

Page 60

55 Managing Calculator Files

File Type Link from TI-84 to TI-84 Plus CE

Link from TI-84 Plus CE to TI-84

84P computer file type

TI-84 Plus CE computer file type

Matrix Yes Yes 8xm 8xm

Number Yes Yes 8xn 8xn

Complex Yes Yes 8xc 8xc

Window Setup Yes Yes 8xw 8xw

Backup No No 8xb

1 App Vars and Programs should be reviewed for use after the transfer between the TI-84 Plus family graphing calculators. Some App Vars may not setup an App as expected. Some Programs will need to be modified due to the difference in screen resolution and new commands.

2 Programs created using commands available only in the latest OS version will not transfer to graphing calculators with an earlier OS version.

3 You may receive a version error if you used DOT-THIN line style. Change the line style to avoid the error.

Page 61

Programming For more information on TI-Basic Programming, and Programming with TI-Innovator Technology on supported calculators, please see

Programming 56

Page 62

57 Using Press-to-Test

Using Press-to-Test Use Press-to-Test to manage exams using TI graphing calculators in your classroom.

The teacher will tell you when to set your calculator in exam mode.

Setting Up Test Mode 1. Turn the calculator OFF.

2. Press and hold down the~,| and keys, and then release.

3. The RESET OPTIONS screen displays.

4. To change the default settings, move the cursor over the desired setting and press [enter].

By default:

ANGLE is set to DEGREE STAT DIAGNOSTICS is set to ON DISABLE logBASE and DISABLE S( are set to YES DISABLE Numeric Solver is set to NO

5. Press OK to first validate any loaded TI Apps and then set up the exam mode. When validation and test mode setup is complete, the confirmation screen will display.

6. Press any key to place the calculator in test mode.


The status bar is blue when in TEST MODE and TEST MODE ENABLED. Pic & Image Vars are disabled. All variables stored in RAM and in archived memory are deleted.

7. On the exam calculator, press to verify that applications are disabled. The following screen displays:

Page 63

8. On the exam calculator, press to verify that programs have been disabled. The following screen displays:

9. On the exam calculator, Pic and Image Vars are shown as disabled. The following screen displays:

10. In memory management (yL, 2:Mem Management/Delete...), disabled files will display with the not equal sign.

Using Press-to-Test 58

Page 64

59 Using Press-to-Test

Bringing a Calculator Out of Test Mode You can re-enable all disabled calculator files by using one of the following methods:

Link two TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators using a unit-to-unit USB cable and then transfer a file by usingy8, SEND RECEIVE.

Use TI Connect CE Actions > Quit Exam Mode on Connected CE Calculators to quit the exam mode on any connected CE calculator. You may also send a calculator file to the connected CE calculator to quit from exam mode.

Use TI Connect CE to send a calculator file to the calculator.

To clear a calculator of files created during an exam:

1. Turn off the calculator while in test mode.

2. "Re-Press-to-Test" - press and hold down the~,|, and keys, and then release.

3. Select OK when you see the Reset Verification Screen. The calculator is now "clean."

Tip: To preserve battery life, take your calculator out of Press-to-Test mode after the exam.

Page 65

Using Applications (Apps) These applications are preloaded on your TI-84Plus CE . You can view the Applications Guidebook at

Update your CE with the latest OS and all TI Apps at

Press to see the complete list of applications.

Cabri Jr. App Construct, analyze, and transform mathematical models and geometric diagrams on your TI graphing calculator. You can:

Perform analytic, transformational, and Euclidean geometric functions

Build geometric constructions interactively with points, a set of points for locus, lines, polygons, circles, and other basic geometric objects

Alter geometric objects on the fly to see patterns, make conjectures, and draw conclusions

CellSheet App Combines spreadsheet functionality with the power of a graphing calculator. Create cell formulas and use built-in functions. Cells can contain:


Real numbers



Text and numeric strings


Each spreadsheet contains 999 rows and 26 columns. The amount of data you can enter is limited only by the available RAM. Store (x,y) coordinate pairs to lists for viewing and optimizing functions for linear


Conic Graphing App Presents equations in function, parametric, or polar form and provides a simple way to graph the four conic shapes: Ellipse Circle Parabola Hyperbola

Enter the required parameters to graph, trace, or solve for the conic's characteristic.

Using Applications (Apps) 60

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61 Using Applications (Apps)

Inequality Graphing App Gives you new features for graphing equations and inequalities and evaluating the relationship between them. You can: Enter inequalities using relation symbols Graph inequalities and shade the union and intersection regions Enter inequalities (vertical lines only) in an X=editor Trace points of interest (such as intersections) between relations Store (x,y) coordinate pairs to lists for viewing and optimizing functions for linear


Periodic Table App Provides a graphical representation of the elements of the Periodic Table. This application allows you to: Observe and explore the Periodic Table of the Elements Find property data and useful information about the known elements Sort the elements by atomic number, alphabetically by name, or alphabetically by

symbol Identify groups of elements by region (noble gasses, halogens, etc.) and block (p-,

d-, s- and f-) Export property data to lists for further analysis Graph the major properties (atomic radii, electronegativities, etc.) against atomic

number to illustrate the periodic nature of the elements

Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Editor App This application: Calculates the roots (zeros) of polynomials of degree 1 through 10 with a

convenient, easy-to-use interface. Allows you to store solutions into lists, load a list into the application for

polynomial coefficients, and store the polynomial to a Y-Var to graph after quitting the App.

Finds solutions to systems of linear equations. Allows you to load matrices containing the coefficients of linear systems, and

identify whether a given system has a unique solution, an infinite number of solutions, or no solution.

Probability Simulation App Explore probability theory with interactive animation that simulates the rolling of dice and tossing of coins, and generates random numbers on your calculator. Options include:

Bar Graph - Trace on probabilities or frequencies

Table of trials data

Settings for specifying numbers of trials

Ways to collect data

Page 67


In addition, students can export data for further exploration.

Science Tools App Science Tools allows you to perform unit conversions on your calculator. App elements include: Significant Figures Calculator Constants and Conversions Data and Graph Wizard Vector Calculator

SmartPad CE App Connecting a Calculator as a Remote Key Pad

The SmartPad CE App allows you to connect a calculator as a remote key pad.

To use the TI-84 Plus CE as a remote keypad for TI-SmartView CE:

1. SmartPad CE App for TI-84 Plus CE comes pre-loaded on the calculator. If not on your TI-84 Plus CE , SmartPad CE App is also available to load to your calculator at

2. Connect your TI-84 Plus CE to your computer using the USB Computer cable which came with your calculator.

3. Launch TI-SmartView CE.

Note: Click on the TI-SmartView CE emulator keypad to make sure it is in focus.

4. Run SmartPad CE App on your TI-84 Plus CE .

5. Press and select SmartPad CE from the Apps menu.

6. Read the information on the splash screen.

7. Press keys on the calculator key pad which remotely press the emulator key pad.

To stop the App:

Disconnect the USB cable from the calculator to stop the App and remote key pad feature.

Tip: Reconnect the USB cable and run the App again if the remote key pad connectivity is no longer responding.

Using Applications (Apps) 62

Page 68

63 Using Applications (Apps)


The TI-84 Plus CE running the SmartPad CE App will not display calculations or graphs. The calculator becomes a remote USB key pad for the emulator only.

The TI-84 Plus CE will remain a remote key pad when the TI-SmartView CE emulator keypad is in focus. Click on the TI-SmartView emulator prior to pressing keys on the calculator.

The TI SilverLink cable is not supported in TI-SmartView CE.

TI-Innovator Hub App The TI-Innovator Hub App runs automatically in the latest CE OS when the App is loaded on the calculator. The TI-Basic program editor is enhanced with a HUB submenu to help you with spelling and syntax of commands for TI-Innovator Hub programming. Save time by using the submenu to paste full TI-Innovator commands rather than typing alpha characters from the keypad as you write your programs.

Note: Update to latest CE Bundle and TI-Innovator Sketch at

Transformation Graphing App Transformation Graphing lets you observe the effects of changing coefficient values without leaving the graph screen. Transformation Graphing affects only function graphing mode. X is the independent variable and Y is the dependent variable. It is not available in parametric, polar, or sequence graphing modes.

Transformation Graphing allows you to manipulate up to four coefficients on the graph: A, B, C, and D. All other coefficients act like constants using the value in memory. You can step through the transformation of a function or animate the transformation using play styles, play/pause, play, and fast play.

Vernier EasyData App Use EasyData App from Vernier Software & Technology to explore your world. The EasyData App auto-launches data collection when used with Vernier EasyTemp sensor, and loads built-in experiments for every supported Vernier sensor.

Page 69

Using Accessories This section covers how to use:

TI computer software

TI Charging Station CE

TI rechargeable batteries

Using TI Desktop Software Use TI desktop software to exchange information between your graphing calculator and your computer, or to display a TI graphing calculator for your entire classroom.

Using TI-SmartView CE Emulator Software

The TI-SmartView CE emulator software allows you to display a TI graphing calculator for your entire classroom. With TI-SmartView CE emulator software, you can:

View the history of your key press entries.

Capture and save screen shots to use in other documents as you investigate a math or science concept.

Use the View3 pane to show three additional screens simultaneously.

Use the SmartPad CE App running on a connected CE calculator as a remote keypad to press keys on your CE emulator in view.

The TI-SmartView CE emulator software includes two workspaces:

Calculator Emulator: allows you to perform calculations and view answers as you would on a physical calculator

Emulator Explorer: allows you to manage emulator content

Using TI Connect CE

The TI Connect CE software makes exchanging information between your graphing calculator and your computer quick and easy.

The TI Connect CE software includes three workspaces:

Calculator Explorer: allows you to manage emulator content

- See TI-Connect CE guide for more information at

Screen Capture: allows you to manage screen captures

Program Editor: allows you to work with TI-Basic programs

Using the TI Charging Station CE The TI Charging Station CE has 10 slots, and each slot can accommodate a TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. Place a TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator in one of these slots to charge the TI Rechargeable Battery.

Using Accessories 64

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65 Using Accessories

Note: It is not necessary to fill all the slots in the charging station to charge batteries.

Note: In order to ensure proper charging, please do not have any cable, unit-unit or unit-computer, connected to the USB port.

Preparing Charging Stations for Use

The TI Charging Station CE is shipped with the following components in each package:

A TI Charging Station CE

An AC adapter

A regional power cord adapter

1. Insert the small end of the power adapter cord into the charging stations power jack.

2. Plug the other end of the adapter into a power outlet.

An indentation on each side of the TI Charging Station CE enables you to lift it. Always use two hands to lift and move the charging station.

Place the charging station on a flat, stable surface. You can also use a wheeled cart if you need to move the charging station between classrooms. When deciding on a location, consider its proximity to a power source such as a power strip or wall outlet.

Inserting Graphing Calculators into the TI Charging Station CE

The slots in the TI Charging Station CE are designed to accommodate a graphing calculator without a slide case attached. The calculator will not fit in the slots with the slide case attached.

The front of the calculator must face the front of the charging station. You may damage the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator if you try to force it into the charging station facing the wrong direction. When looking at the TI logo on the charging station, insert calculators into the slot with the keypad facing left.

Page 71

1. Remove the slide case from the graphing calculator.

2. Align the grooves on the sides of the graphing calculator with the guides in the charging station slots. Ensure the calculator is facing the proper direction.

3. Gently push the graphing calculator into the slot. You will feel a slight resistance; continue pushing down until the graphing calculator is seated.

If your calculator has an LED light on the side, the calculator is properly seated when the LED turns amber to indicate charging.

Charging Batteries

The TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator uses a Li-Ion TI Rechargeable Battery.

The charging process starts automatically when a graphing calculator is placed in a slot on a powered charging station. You can charge a classroom set of graphing calculators overnight.

Determining Battery Status

For calculators with an LED, the LED light on each connected graphing calculator in the charging station provides basic information about the status of the rechargeable battery.

When the light is amber, the battery is charging.

When the light is green, the battery is fully charged.


If the recharge fails:

Make sure the graphing calculator is seated properly in the slot. Batteries are not charged if the connector on the graphing calculator and the connector in the slot are not aligned.

Check the connector on the graphing calculator to ensure that it is clean. If there is build-up on the graphing calculators connector, you can remove it with a clean, dry cloth or a pencil eraser. Never use wet cloths or solutions of any kind.

Using Accessories 66

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67 Using Accessories

Storing Charging Stations

Store the TI Charging Station CE on a flat surface such as a table or a wheeled cart. You cannot damage the charging station by leaving it plugged in for extended periods of time. Also, you cannot damage the batteries by leaving them in the charging station beyond the time needed to fully charge them.

Using, Replacing, and Charging Batteries The TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator comes with a:

TI rechargeable battery

USB computer cable for transferring files and charging the battery

Note: Charge the battery for at least four hours to ensure optimum performance.

Battery Status

The battery status icon on the upper right of the screen gives information on battery life.

The battery icons indicate the level of battery power remaining, and indicate if the battery is charging.

Battery is 75% to 100% charged.

Battery is 50% to 75% charged.

Battery is 25% to 50% charged.

Battery is 5% to 25% charged.

Battery is charging.


RAM memory will be lost if the battery charge is lost. You should back up or archive your variables if your battery power gets low.

Displays this message when you turn on the unit.

Page 73

Deep Sleep Mode To maximize battery life, this graphing calculator is shipped in Deep Sleep mode. To wake the handheld from this mode, press for at least 4 seconds or apply USB (computer or wall adapter) or TI Charging Station CE power. After waking the handheld, you can turn it on anytime by pressing. To maximize battery life during extended storage periods, the Deep Sleep mode is enabled automatically after a period of being in the off state.

Recharging the TI Rechargeable Battery

You should make sure the TI-84 Plus CE battery is charged for classroom use and before exams.

Use one of the following options to charge the battery in the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator:

Connect the graphing calculator to a computer using a USB computer cable.


Connect to a wall outlet using a TI wall adapter (may be sold separately).


Place the graphing calculator in a TI Charging Station CE.

The amount of time required to fully charge the battery may vary, but charging takes approximately four hours. It is not necessary to remove the TI Rechargeable Battery from the graphing calculator to recharge it. The graphing calculator operates normally while it is attached to a charging source.

To recharge a graphing calculator from a computer, a TI USB driver must be installed. To download TI Connect CE or TI-SmartView CE software that includes a driver, go to:

Replacing TI Rechargeable Batteries

Take these precautions when replacing rechargeable batteries:

Use only the charger recommended for the battery, or the one that was provided with the original equipment.

Remove the graphing calculator from the charger or alternating current adapter when not in use or being charged.

Do not use the battery in other devices because:

Using Accessories 68

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69 Using Accessories

- This may result in personal injury or damage to equipment or property. - There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by the wrong type.

Replacing the Battery

Use only the TI Rechargeable Battery to replace the TI-84 Plus CE battery.

To replace the battery, follow these steps.

1. Use a small screwdriver to release the panel from the back of the handheld.

2. Remove the panel.

3. Remove the old battery.

4. Drop in a new battery.

5. Replace the back panel and fasten the screws with a screwdriver.

Disposing of Used Batteries Safely and Properly

Do not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. The batteries can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. Discard used batteries according to local regulations.

When the TI Rechargeable Battery is fully charged, the graphing calculator draws power in the following order:

1. From a connected external power source, such as:

A computer connected through a USB computer cable


A TI wall adapter (may be sold separately)

2. From the TI Rechargeable Battery

Page 75

Diagnosing and Correcting Error Conditions The TI-84 Plus CE detects errors while performing these tasks:

Evaluating an expression

Executing an instruction

Plotting a graph

Storing a value

1. Determine the error. The error screens give helpful hints about what may have happened, but the errors are not always fully explained.

2. Correct the expression.

Diagnosing an Error When the TI-84 Plus CE detects an error, it returns an error message with a short description.

1:Quit Displays the home screen

2:Goto Displays the previous screen with the cursor at or near the error location

Note: If a syntax error occurs in the contents of a Y= function during program execution, then the 2:Goto option returns to the Y=editor, not to the program.

Correcting an Error To correct an error, follow these steps.

1. Note the error type (ERROR:error type).

2. Select 2:Goto (if it is available).The previous screen is displayed with the cursor at or near the error location.

3. Determine the error. The error screens give helpful hints about what may have happened, but the errors are not always fully explained.

4. Correct the expression.

Diagnosing and Correcting Error Conditions 70

Page 76

71 General Information

General Information Online Help

Select your country for more product information.

Contact TI Support

Select your country for technical and other support resources.

Service and Warranty Information

Select your country for information about the length and terms of the warranty or about product service.

Limited Warranty. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights.

Precautions for Rechargeable Batteries Take these precautions when replacing rechargeable batteries:

Use only the charger recommended for the cell or battery, or the one that was provided with the original equipment.

Remove the cell or battery from the charger or alternating current adapter when not in use or being charged.

Use of the battery in other devices may result in personal injury or damage to equipment or property.

Do not mix brands (or types within brands) of batteries. There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by the wrong type.

Disposing of Batteries

Do not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. The batteries can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. Discard used batteries according to local regulations.

Korean Class A warning statement Class A

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