How Do Spaghetti Models Predict a Hurricane's Path? (2025)

By: Patrick J. Kiger|Updated: Jun 9, 2023

How Do Spaghetti Models Predict a Hurricane's Path? (1)

If you're living in a coastal area prone to hurricanes and major tropical storms, you may not be all that interested in the statistical and meteorological big picture behind storm prediction. What you really want to know is what a particular hurricane is going to do — what its path is going to be, and when it's going to strike your area.

As the Atlantic hurricane season began June 1, 2022 (it runs through Nov. 30), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) predicted between 14 and 21 storms that would be big enough to merit names, with winds of 39 miles per hour (63 kilometers per hour) or greater.


However NOAA updated that forecast Aug. 4, to 14 to 20 named storms, three to five of those it's predicting will be Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricanes with winds 111 miles per hour (179 kilometers per hour) or faster.

Spaghetti Models and Forecasting

To aid in forecasting efforts, meteorologists utilize visualizations called spaghetti models (also sometimes known as spaghetti plots). To a lay person, spaghetti models look like, well, a bunch of spaghetti strands thrown randomly against a wall. In reality, though, spaghetti plots are a method of combining information from a variety of predictive models onto one map, to come up with a picture of a hurricane's potential track.

"Each model that is used to predict hurricane paths — and in many cases intensity — can have that path plotted on a map," Daniel J. Leathers explained when we spoke to him in 2019. He's a professor and director of the Meteorology and Climatology program at the University of Delaware, who also serves as Delaware State Climatologist and as a co-director of the Delaware Environmental Observing System. "All a spaghetti plot does is take the results from all of these models and plot all of them on the same map."


To understand why spaghetti plots are important, you have to understand that there are a whole bunch of different modeling methods that are used to track hurricanes, and like presidential election polls, they don't all produce the same results.

The object of creating such a map, according to Leathers, is to see the extent to which all the different models agree. "When the paths are very similar to one another, this means that all the models are agreeing (to a large extent) about the future path of the storm," he says. In contrast, if the individual plots are all over the place, "then that says that there is great uncertainty in the models about where the storm will move in the future. Spaghetti plots are a way of seeing all of the model results at one time, and not relying on just one model for a forecast. They are very helpful in conveying the certainty, or uncertainty, of a forecast."

How Do Spaghetti Models Predict a Hurricane's Path? (2)


Reading Spaghetti Models

The lines on the chart indicate the different paths projected by the various models, which have varying degrees of reliability. "The models include dynamical models (using the physics of the atmosphere), statistical models and in some cases analogue models to predict the coming movement of an individual storm," Leathers explains. "These models come from meteorological organizations from all across the globe — places like the National Weather Service, the British Met Office, universities and so on. Some models are certainly thought to be better than others. They are very different in how they make predictions, and in what they are best at."

What, if any, useful information can non-meteorologists get from looking at spaghetti plots? "The most useful information is the certainty of the forecast," Leathers explains. "Again, if all the paths are very similar, the forecast certainty is high. If the paths are very different, the certainty is low. If there is a great spread in the forecast tracks then that shows that the models are not doing a great job as a suite in figuring out where this particular storm is likely to move in the future."


But if you're going to try to make sense of spaghetti plots, it's important to understand their limitations. "Non-meteorologists do need to be careful in interpreting the plots, as some models generally do better than others at different times in the storms life-cycle," Leathers says. "This can be important information to get the most from a spaghetti plot."

Spaghetti models have changed subtly over the years, according to Leathers. The approach has evolved as more hurricane models are run in real-time, and as technology has allowed us to put these models together into a spaghetti plot faster, he says. He says he doesn't expect anything to replace them in the foreseeable future.

"As technology allows for the more rapid transfer of data and as visualization technology goes, I am sure there will be some more changes," Leathers says. He also predicts that the number of models, and their sophistication, is likely to continue to grow in the years ahead.

Now That's Interesting

According to an official at the National Hurricane Center, some hurricane models can be run in a few seconds on an ordinary computer, while others may require hours of calculations by a supercomputer.


Frequently Answered Questions

What do spaghetti models show?

Spaghetti models are a type of model used to predict the future path of a tropical cyclone.

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How Do Spaghetti Models Predict a Hurricane's Path? (2025)


How Do Spaghetti Models Predict a Hurricane's Path? ›

These models take into account a wide range of variables, including wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and ocean temperature. The resulting spaghetti model

spaghetti model
A spaghetti plot (also known as a spaghetti chart, spaghetti diagram, or spaghetti model) is a method of viewing data to visualize possible flows through systems. Flows depicted in this manner appear like noodles, hence the coining of this term. › wiki › Spaghetti_plot
shows a range of possible paths the hurricane may take, with each line representing a different forecast model.

How do they predict a hurricane's path? ›

Satellites, reconnaissance aircraft, Ships, buoys, radar, and other land-based platforms are important tools used in hurricane tracking and prediction. While a tropical cyclone is over the open ocean, remote measurements of the storm's intensity and track are made primarily via satellites.

How accurate are the spaghetti models? ›

Their accuracy can vary, but they are a valuable tool for tracking storms. The more closely the paths align, the more confident meteorologists are in the forecast. However, predicting the exact path of a hurricane is challenging, so it's essential to stay updated with official forecasts from meteorological agencies.

Which spaghetti model is the most accurate for hurricanes? ›

Best models for storm track

In the short range, the American GFS was the most accurate. In the middle range, the HMON was the winner. The HMON (Hurricanes in a Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic Model) is one of the hurricane center's hurricane models.

What are spaghetti models used to predict? ›

Spaghetti models are a type of model used to predict the future path of a tropical cyclone. Patrick J.

Can hurricane predictions be wrong? ›

Even with a “perfect” model that captures all of the relevant physics, uncertainties in the initial condition limit the model's ability to create a perfect forecast, especially at longer lead times (> 5 days).

What is the most accurate hurricane forecast model? ›

The model with the highest success ratio (rewarding correct genesis forecasts combined with fewest false alarms) was the European (ECMWF), followed by the UKMET, the GFS, and Canadian models.

Which hurricane model is more accurate, GFS or Euro? ›

Most of the time, the European model is the most accurate. For example, the Euro was the first model that showed the southward shift of the storm on Monday. Eventually, the other models followed. The GFS is a weather forecast model that collects data for land-soil and atmospheric variables.

What is the best website for hurricane prediction? ›

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is the trusted source for hurricane information. Resources include predicted storm tracks and wind speed probabilities.

What hurricane model does NOAA use? ›

The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) is NOAA's next-generation numerical model and data assimilation system developed within the framework of the Uniform Forecast System (UFS).

What is the best map projection for hurricanes? ›

The limited distortion in the low latitudes is one reason why the Mercator projection is the map of choice for tropical forecasters. Another reason for its favored-map status is the relative ease in plotting and interpreting the tracks of tropical cyclones.

Is GFS most accurate? ›

The accuracy of weather forecast models depends on various factors such as region, timeframe, and type of weather phenomenon being predicted. Global models like the ECMWF and GFS are generally considered fairly accurate, with the ECMWF model being slightly more accurate than the GFS.

How does a spaghetti model work to predict a hurricane's path? ›

Spaghetti models are created by running multiple forecast models simultaneously. These models take into account various factors, including atmospheric pressure, ocean temperature, wind speed, and direction. Each model uses slightly different assumptions, which can lead to different predictions.

What model is best for prediction? ›

The most widely used predictive models are:
  • Decision trees: Decision trees are a simple, but powerful form of multiple variable analysis. ...
  • Regression (linear and logistic) Regression is one of the most popular methods in statistics. ...
  • Neural networks.

What are the advantages of spaghetti model? ›

Utilizing a spaghetti diagram can not only showcase the areas of waste, but aid in the solutions process of redesigning a line layout or moving work areas around. Spaghetti Diagrams have many key benefits and advantages that can provide thorough insight into their facility.

What determines the path a hurricane takes? ›

A hurricane's speed and path depend on complex ocean and atmospheric interactions, including the presence or absence of other weather patterns. This complexity of the flow makes it very difficult to predict the speed and direction of a hurricane.

How is a hurricane's arrival forecasted? ›

Hurricane Specialists at NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) analyze satellite imagery, other observations, and computer models to make forecast decisions and create hazard information for emergency managers, media and the public for hurricanes, tropical storms and tropical depressions.

How accurate are hurricane paths? ›

Over the past few decades, the National Hurricane Center's one- to three-day track forecast errors have diminished by 75%, with reductions of about 60% over the past 20 years at four- and five-day lead times. In 2022, NHC track forecasts set accuracy records at most lead times.

How far ahead can a hurricane be predicted? ›

Scientists can usually predict its path for 3-5 days in advance. A hurricane's possible trajectory is usually represented as a cone, which shrinks over time as the error in the prediction decreases. To predict the path of these storms, meteorologists can use many different models.

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